Albany: UC Berkeley University Village

North end of Sixth Street, Albany, CA Map

The University of California Berkeley’s student-family housing in Albany is edged by creeks north and south. The WWII housing that had welcomed students for more than 50 years has recently been replaced. This entailed extensive creek restoration and, in the western, Phase II portion, efforts to lessen runoff volume and pollution.

In addition to wide landscaped areas receiving roof runoff, the University is trying many kinds of plantings for swales. These include (clockwise from left) dogwood, flowering shrubs, native grasses and currants (also note covered enclosure for trash containers), rushes and maples, and ferns. Click images for larger photos.

Below, a chain of detention ponds take runoff from parking and street near recently restored Codornices Creek, left background. The pond shown on right is not yet planted.

Above right, not yet planted: A large swale takes runoff from a perimeter parking lot edged by community gardens and a natural area. Rocks prevent erosion at curb cuts; raised drain prevents flooding.